Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Teller Performance Management – Importance of Goals

Understanding expectations and goals is critical for all employees. Countless business gurus constantly harp on the importance of having and setting goals. I do not disagree with this, however I believe the more important aspect is what your goals should be. Specifically, what your minimum and your “target” goals are. In teller line operations in financial institutions across the country, these goals are often not set.

So, what is an example of a teller line goal? There are many different goals from sales goals to service goals. I believe the goals that can be most effectively managed are productivity goals. For example, tracking teller transaction per hour is a fantastic metric that you can utilize. You can do this per branch, per teller and per institution.

The big question is… what should your teller transaction per hour goals be? What do you compare this number to? If you set your goal to little or too big it can have a negative effect. The first place to start is internal numbers. For example, comparing different branches and teller performance. Ultimately, the absolute best comparison is other industry peers. A great source for this comparison is the FMSI Comparative Data Report. This monthly report, which is distributed to all FMSI Teller Management System clients, ranks close to 100 nationwide financial institutions in four different productivity metrics.

So now that you have all the data to establish goals, the next step is to clearly communicate the minimum and “target” goals to your staff. With expectations and goals set and conveyed, a business will see positive results.

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